Web Service: Jetfire API

Modified on 2011/10/11 19:22 by Charles — Categorized as: Web Service

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   Jetfire API for Web Service
      Workflow Class
      Workflows Class
      Property Class
      Method Class
      WorkflowClass Class
      WorkflowClasses Class
      Namespaces Class

Jetfire API for Web Service

(return to Jetfire Web Service)

An xml string provides a lot of flexibility in responding to client requests. The Server can send one or more workflows or an error message. Of course, xml can also be complicated to decode. The Jetfire API also contains access to the Jetfire Web Service.

TrackerRealm provides a dll that customers can integrate into their Visual Studio projects.


The utility is started up by instantiating the JfWS class. When it is instantiated, the web service url to the customer Jetfire Web Service is provided. This provides a connection to the Web Service.

Unlike web pages where login is optional because Jetfire automatically logs in as a Guest user to a configured Subscription, the Web Service allows users to connect to any subscription.

Login is mandatory. The Web Service Client must login either as a Guest or a named user to a valid subscription.

Workflow Class

Properties for the Workflow Class include:
Key methods include:

Workflows Class

The Worklows class is a Dictionary of Workflow, where the key is the Guid. It is the most often used class because most responses send one or more workflows. The Workflows constructor takes an xml string and converts it to a Workflows object that contains one or more Workflow objects or an error message.

Key methods include:

Property Class

The Property class converts the Property node in the xml string into an object. Attributes of the Property Class include:

Method Class

The Method class converts the Method node in the xml string into an object. Attributes of the Method Class include:

WorkflowClass Class

The WorkflowClass class is the definition of the Jetfire Workflow - it is the uninstantiated class. Attributes of the WorkflowClass Class include:
Methods for the WorkflowClass include:

WorkflowClasses Class

WorkflowClass is a dictionary of WorkflowClass objects, where the key is the Guid of the WorkflowClass.

Key Methods include:

Namespaces Class

The Namespace is a list of strings that define the Jetfire namespaces.